Barion Pixel

General Terms of Use

General Terms and Conditions - GTC -
Welcome to webapp!
Thank you for using our service(s) and for trusting us with your purchase!
These webapp Terms and Conditions have been prepared in accordance with the legislation in force.
If you have any questions regarding these Terms and Conditions, the use of the webapp, the individual services, the purchase process or if you would like to discuss your specific requirements with us, please contact us using the contact details provided.
Imprint: details of the service provider
Name: Cyber Arrow Concept Limited Liability Company
Registered office: 6000 - Kecskemét - Máriahegy 388
Address for correspondence: 6000 - Kecskemét - Máriahegy 388
Registering authority: Kecskeméti Törvényszék - 6000 - Kecskemét - Rákóczi street 7
Company registration number: 03-09-136413
Tax number: 32032077-2-03
European Unique Identifier:HU32032077
Details of the service provider:
Creon Heroes PLC
5561 Békésszentandrás Dr Dunay A. street 1
Index: composite skill and ability test series summary name - hereinafter referred to as Index
Personal Score Index: summary name of a series of personal skill and ability tests - hereinafter referred to as PSIndex
Superjobs: own terminology meaning a position selected from high quality companies - hereafter referred to as Superjob
Parties: the service provider and the service recipient together
Service user: a need created to meet a need
User: a person who uses the services on the Site
Consumer: a natural person acting outside the scope of his/her profession, self-employment or business activity
Consumer contract: a contract to which one of the parties is a consumer
Functionality: the ability of a good, digital content or digital service containing digital elements to perform the functions for which it is intended
Website: this website which is used for the conclusion of the contract
Contract: a contract of sale between the Seller and the Buyer using the Website and electronic mail
Relevant legislation
The Contract shall be governed by the provisions of Hungarian law, and in particular by the following laws:

  • Act CLV of 1997 on Consumer Protection
  • Act CVIII of 2001 on certain aspects of electronic commerce services and information society services
  • Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code
  • Government Decree No 45/2014 (26.II.26.) on the detailed rules of contracts between consumers and businesses   
  • Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright
  • Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information
  • REGULATION (EU) No 2018/302 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 28 February 2018 on combating unjustified territorial restrictions of content and other forms of discrimination based on the nationality, residence or domicile of the buyer in the internal market and amending Regulations (EC) No 2006/2004 and (EU) 2017/2394 and Directive 2009/22/EC
  • REGULATION (EU) No 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)
  • Government Decree No 373/2021 (VI. 30.) on the detailed rules for contracts between consumers and businesses for the sale of goods and the supply of digital content and services
  • Government Regulation No 118/2001 (30.6.2001) on the registration and operation of private employment agencies
Scope and adoption of the GTC
The content of the contract concluded between us shall be governed by these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter "GTC"), in addition to the provisions of the applicable mandatory legislation. Accordingly, these GTC contain the rights and obligations between you and us, the conditions for the conclusion of the contract, the time limits for performance, the delivery and payment terms, the liability rules and the conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal.
The technical information necessary for the use of the Website, which is not contained in these GTC, is provided by other information available on the Website.
You must read these GTC before finalising your order.
Language and form of the contract
The language of the contracts covered by these GTC is Hungarian.
Contracts covered by these GTC are not written contracts and are not registered by the Seller.
Description of the services available on the webapp
Mypsindex is an Index and Superjob webapp.
The primary service is the sale of ( Personal Score Indexes ), hereafter referred to as PSIndex. The term PSIndex may only be used on the site. The Indexes are industry independent, testing all the daily skills and abilities that an individual uses on an ongoing basis in a given work environment. On, the user can create his/her own PSIndex, for which the user will receive a Certificate of completion after payment to the email address provided. This can be downloaded, viewed, printed or sent to a third party by e-mail. Once the Index has been created and paid for, the user is free to dispose of it. The company operating is not liable for any unauthorised use of the Index,
Secondary service.  Users of the Superjob service will receive up to 5 job application links matching their profile via the application, for which they can apply according to the conditions specified. Users should only validate their application for a Superjob if they are properly informed about all its details. This can be done by e-mail, phone or via the webapp. The company that operates www.mypsindex is not liable if the user has not acted with due care before using the Superjob service and does not wish to use the service in the future. The company that operates the webapp shall not be liable for any damages of any kind resulting from the principle of non-information.
On, certain services of Superjobs are "subject to conditions". Participation in the Superjobs link exchange programme is only open to users who have already used and created their own Index.
Freemium: links to freely available jobs on the webapp, which are exchanged by the operator at regular intervals.
Principle of disagreement:
If a user disagrees with any of the services or usage points on the webapp, please suspend the use of the site!
None of the services available on is intended to eliminate human factors given that the principle of free will and the principle of circumstances always prevail!
The use of the Indexes is based on your own individual choice. The services of do not guarantee that any of the above services will lead to a successful recruitment for the job, position or position sought!
Prices are in HUF and include 27% VAT.  The Seller may change the prices for business policy reasons. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. If the Seller has indicated the price incorrectly and an order for the service has been received but a contract has not yet been concluded between the parties, the Seller shall act in accordance with the "Procedure for incorrect price" clause of the GTC.
Procedure in case of incorrect price
It is considered to be a price that is obviously incorrect:
  • A price of HUF 0,
  • In case of incorrect indication of the price, the Seller offers the possibility to buy the Goods at the real price, in the possession of which information the Customer may decide to order the Goods at the real price or to cancel the order without any adverse legal consequences.
Basic conditions for using the service:
  • You must be legally of legal age in the country in which you are registered (in Hungary, you must be at least 18 years of age and have legal capacity )
  • You have the legal capacity to be legally 18 years of age, you have completed the registration - you accept the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy
  • provides true and valid personal data
  • is not subject to the regulatory regime of any country that is in breach of current International Conventions or is subject to the US federal embargo
  • Is not subject to any country's listed blacklisting or debarment regulations may refuse, disable, close or delete an account without prior notice to the user at any time if deems the above to be relevant to that user.
User account closure. User is not obliged to notify www.mypsindex .com of this. Likewise, is not obliged to notify the user of the deletion of his account. If a user account has not been used for 24 months, it will be deleted by our site.
Complaints and redress
The user may submit any complaints concerning the services or the activities of the service provider to the following contact details:
  • Telephone: +36 30 675 84 37
  • Internet address:
  • E-mail:

The user may communicate to the undertaking, either orally or in writing, any complaint concerning the conduct, activity or omission of the undertaking or of any person acting in the interests of the undertaking or on its behalf in relation to the marketing or sale of the service to users.
The undertaking must investigate the oral complaint promptly and, where necessary, remedy it. If the user does not agree with the handling of the complaint or if it is not possible to investigate the complaint immediately, the undertaking must immediately take a record of the complaint and its position on it and, in the case of a face-to-face oral complaint, must give a copy of the record to the user on the spot. In the case of a verbal complaint made by telephone or other electronic communications service, it shall be sent to the user within 30 days at the latest, together with the reply on the substance of the complaint, in accordance with the provisions applicable to replies to written complaints. In other respects, it shall act on the written complaint as follows. Unless otherwise provided for in a directly applicable legal act of the European Union, the undertaking must reply in writing to the written complaint within 30 days of receipt and take steps to communicate the reply. A shorter time limit may be laid down by law, or a longer time limit by statute. The undertaking must state the reasons for its rejection of the complaint. Oral complaints communicated by telephone or by electronic communications must be given a unique identification number.
The record of the complaint must contain the following information:
1. the name and address of the user,
2. the place, time and manner in which the complaint was lodged,
3. a detailed description of the user's complaint, a list of the documents, records and other evidence presented by the user,
4. a statement by the undertaking of its position on the user's complaint, where an immediate investigation of the complaint is possible,
5. the signatures of the person who took the minutes and, except in the case of an oral complaint made by telephone or other electronic communications service, of the user,
6. the place and time of the taking of the minutes,
7. in the case of an oral complaint made by telephone or other electronic communication service, the unique identification number of the complaint.
The undertaking must keep a record of the complaint and a copy of the reply for three years and present it to the supervisory authorities at their request.
In the event of a complaint being rejected, the undertaking must inform the user in writing of the authority or conciliation Board to which the complaint may be submitted, according to its nature. The information shall also include the location, telephone and Internet contact details and the postal address of the competent authority or conciliation board in the place where the user resides or is located. The information shall also indicate whether the undertaking will use the conciliation board to settle the user dispute. If any user dispute between the service provider and the user is not resolved in the course of the negotiations, the following enforcement options are open to the consumer:
Consumer protection procedure:
Complaints to the consumer protection authorities. If the consumer perceives a violation of his/her consumer rights, he/she has the right to lodge a complaint with the consumer protection authority of his/her place of residence. Once the complaint has been examined, the authority will decide whether to take consumer protection proceedings. The first level consumer protection authorities are the metropolitan and county government offices competent for the consumer's place of residence, a list of which can be found at:
Court proceedings:
The customer has the right to enforce his/her claim arising from the consumer dispute before the court in civil proceedings under Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code and Act CXXX of 2016 on the Code of Civil Procedure.
Conciliation Board Procedure:
Please be informed that you can lodge a consumer complaint with us. If your consumer complaint is rejected, you are also entitled to refer it to the Conciliation Board competent for your place of residence or domicile: the initiation of the Conciliation Board's procedure is subject to the consumer's direct attempt to settle the dispute with the business concerned. The conciliation board designated in the consumer's request is competent to take action instead of the competent board, at the consumer's request.
The business shall have a duty of cooperation in the conciliation procedure.
This includes the obligation for the business to send a reply to the conciliation board's request and the obligation to appear before the conciliation board ('to ensure the attendance of a person authorised to negotiate a settlement at a hearing').
Where the seat or establishment of the business is not registered in the county of the chamber of the competent territorial conciliation board, the obligation of cooperation of the business includes offering the possibility of a written settlement in accordance with the consumer's request.
In the event of a breach of the above obligation to cooperate, the consumer protection authority has the power to impose mandatory fines and no possibility of waiving fines in the event of infringement by businesses as a result of the change in the law. In addition to the Act on Consumer Protection, the relevant provision of the Act on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises has also been amended, so that fines can be waived for small and medium-sized enterprises.
The amount of the fine for small and medium-sized enterprises may range from HUF 15,000 to HUF 500,000, while for non-small and medium-sized enterprises subject to the Accounting Act with an annual net turnover exceeding HUF 100 million, the fine may range from HUF 15,000 to 5% of the enterprise's annual net turnover, but not more than HUF 500 million. By introducing a mandatory fine, the legislator aims to reinforce cooperation with conciliation bodies and to ensure the active participation of businesses in the conciliation procedure.
The conciliation board is competent to settle consumer disputes out of court. The conciliation board's task is to try to reach an agreement between the parties to resolve the consumer dispute and, if this is not successful, to rule on the case in order to ensure that consumer rights are enforced in a simple, quick, efficient and cost-effective manner. The conciliation board shall, at the request of the consumer or the business, advise on the rights and obligations of the consumer. The conciliation board's proceedings are initiated at the request of the consumer. The request must be made in writing to the chairman of the conciliation board: the requirement of written form may be met by letter, telegram, telex or fax, or by any other means which permits the recipient to store the data addressed to him permanently for a period of time adequate for the purposes for which the data were intended and to display the data in an unchanged form and content.
The request must include
a. the name, residence or domicile of the user,
b. the name, registered office or place of business of the undertaking concerned by the user dispute,
c. if the user has requested the competent conciliation board instead of the competent arbitration board, the name of the board requested,
d. a brief description of the user's position, the facts in support of it and the evidence in support of it,
e. a statement by the user that the consumer has tried to resolve the dispute directly with the undertaking concerned
f. a statement by the user that no other conciliation board has been seised of the matter, that no mediation procedure has been initiated, that no application for a claim has been lodged or for an order for payment,
g. a motion for a decision of the panel,
h. the signature of the user.
The application must be accompanied by the document or a copy (extract) of the document to the content of which the user refers as evidence, in particular a written statement by the undertaking rejecting the complaint or, failing this, any other written evidence available to the consumer that the required conciliation has been attempted.
If the user acts through an authorised representative, the authorisation shall be attached to the request.
More information on the Conciliation Boards is available at:
For more information on the competent territorial Conciliation Boards, please click here:
Pursuant to Section 1 (1) of Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright (hereinafter referred to as "the Copyright Act"), the webapp is a copyright work and therefore all parts of it are protected by copyright. The Copyright Act (Szjt. Pursuant to Article 16(1) of the Copyright Act, the unauthorised use of graphic and software solutions and computer program creations contained in the webapp, as well as the use of any application that may be used to modify the webapp or any part thereof, is prohibited. Even with the written consent of the copyright holder, any material from the webapp and its database may only be reproduced by referring to the webapp and indicating the source. The copyright holder is Cyber Arrow Concept Ltd.
Partial Invalidity and Code of Conduct
If any provision of the GTC is legally invalid or ineffective, the remaining provisions of the contract shall remain in force and the provisions of the applicable law shall apply in place of the invalid or defective provision.
The Seller does not have a code of conduct under the Unfair Commercial Practices Act.
Payment and Prices
Prices are in HUF and include VAT at 27%.  The possibility of the Seller changing the prices for commercial policy reasons cannot be excluded. The modification of prices does not apply to contracts already concluded. Payment can be made by bank card valid in Hungary. The service will be provided only upon receipt of payment by the customer.
Our payment partner
Our partner for payment transactions is Barion Payment PLC, Hungary, Budapest
H-1117, Budapest, Irinyi József street 4-20. 2nd floor
Helpdesk: +36 1 464 70 99
Company registration number: 01-10-048552
Barion Payment Zrt. is licensed by the Magyar Nemzeti Bank in accordance with Act CCXXXV of 2013 and the EU Electronic Money Directive (EMD) of 2011.
Licence ID: H-EN-I-1064/2013 | Institution ID: 25353192
Data Management Registration Number: NAIH-73794/2014
Completion of the service used
The service provider undertakes to provide the services available on the webapp to the user after payment of the usage fee. The service provider does not undertake to provide the service to the user within an exact time interval. The User understands and agrees that he/she will use the services only against the indicated fees and will receive the indicated services after payment of the fees.